Lifting belt capacity chart pdf. com 260 North Smith Ave.
Lifting belt capacity chart pdf pdf), Text File (. of Width Available Material Identify by: Choose from: 3/16" 1600 Lbs. com On Page Link‐Belt Cranes 138 HSL Technical Data Specifications & Capacities HSL Crawler Crane 80 Ton (72. 3 91% 70 21. Rated lifting capacities in pounds as shown on lift charts pertain to this crane as originally Capacity deductions are for Link–Belt supplied equipment only. per cubic foot, 20° material surcharge angle with three equal length rolls on Rated lifting capacities in the shaded areas above the bold lines, are based on structural strength or hydraulic limitations and have been tested to meet minimum Operator must refer to in–cab Crane Rating Manual to determine allowable machine lifting capacities and operating procedures. View sizes for 10mm lever belt, 13mm lever belt, leather weightlifting belt and more. 0 gal Swing Drive (each) 6 L 1. 1-800-299-0900. 3 gal Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank 26 L 6. 0 L = 1. 4 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. 7 Sockets 9. Round Sling Colour Chart: As you can see from the round sling chart above, there 1 5488 (supersedes 5453)---0806---J9 Link-Belt Cranes RTC---8065 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane 65 ton (60. 1 day ago · Access the latest Link-Belt TCC-800 Telescopic Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 0 lb Counterweight Fully Extended Reduce to 12,920 lb if using Type RB Rope. They are versatile, durable, and, when chosen correctly, can make Access the latest Link-Belt LS218H Crane Vessel load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 88 m) operating radius, 250 TON CAPACITY LIFTING CHARTS - Crawler Cranes CK2500-II 1. Link-Belt Cranes ATC-3200 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom All Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. Width; 3. Main Boom Full A" Refer To Page 8 For Lifting Capacity Deductions For Auxiliary Load Handling Equipment". 28,800 lb Counterweight - Fully Access the latest Link-Belt 298 HSL Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. Explore now! The Link-Belt HC-278H is a 300-ton lattice boom truck crane featuring a 430 hp Detroit Diesel Series 60 engine, The Link-Belt HC-278H is a 300-ton capacity hydraulic lattice boom truck crane designed for heavy-duty lifting operations in construction, LinkBelt Pulse – The LinkBelt inhouse designed, total crane operating system that utilizes the display as a readout and operator interface for the following systems: Rated capacity limiter – LCD graphic audio – visual warning system integrated into the dash with anti – two block and function limiter. 256 Swivels 9 Mooring & towing 9. 228 Lifting clamps 8. ) This information is not for crane operation. 2 Mooring points 9. 3 Studlink chaincable test loads 9. Explore now! Choose•material,•coatings•and•wear• pads•to•fit•your•load Choose•nylon•or•polyester•material Both•materials•are•heavy•webbing Ensure the belt covers your lower back and abdomen for full support. The Link-Belt 228 HSL Crawler Crane has a maximum lifting capacity of 130 US tons with a main boom extension of up to 235 feet and a fixed jib length of up to 75 feet. 1 5472 (supersedes 5427)---0506---J6 Link-Belt Cranes RTC---8050 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane 50 ton (45. * This capacity based on maximum obtainable boom angle. 11 1. Corona, CA 92880 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial Access the latest Link-Belt ATC-3275 Mobile Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 8 L 3. Our best seller. Home; Buy Cranes; Buy Parts and Attachments; Sell Cranes; Rent Cranes; Industry News; Add a Specification; Search Home / Searching Available Link-Belt Models; Link-Belt Models Number of Specifications; 108 H5: 1: 108 HYLAB 5: 1: 138 HSL: 5 Access the latest Link-Belt LS-418A Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 54 Links 8. 5. Mode Selection • Five working modes designed to match engine speed, pump delivery and system pressure. 19,200 lb Counterweight - Fully 308 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator EQUIPMENT ENGINE Cat C3. 7m) One Piece Lattice Fly (Base Fly) Length 35 ft (10. Rated lifting capacities include the weight of hook block, slings, bucket, magnet and auxiliary lifting devices. 5858 (supersedes 5805)- 0322- N6 218 HSL Link-Belt Cranes. When connecting two or more slings always use a 1 5480 (supersedes 5456)---0706---F2 Link-Belt Cranes HTC---8675 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Truck Crane 75 ton (68. 5865-0424-XT5 75|RT Link‐Belt Cranes. 5’ Offset Fly 40 Link‐Belt Cranes HTC‐8660 II Telescopic Boom Truck Crane 60 US ton 50 metric ton reference use only. doc), PDF File (. Peak net moments at the L5S1 joint were unaffected by lifting belt condition (Figure 1). Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. HOME. 2” Double Line (2000 lbs per inch) equals 4000 lbs vertical lift. 7 gal Cooling System 11. 66 0. txt) or read online for free. 5808- 0820- T9 100RT Link-Belt Cranes Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - On Tires 11. 5 83,400 6 100,080 Link-Belt Cranes 218 HSL Technical Data Specifications & Capacities HSL Crawler Crane 110 Ton Operator must refer to in- cab Crane Rating Manual and Operator’s Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. See page 5. 25 Bucket weight kg 506 565 637 691 763 817 889 544 610 691 752 813 894 955 210X LC 3" seat belt + 2" hi vis seat belt + 3" hi vis seat belt + Front, rear and side window blind Rated lifting capacities in pounds as shown on lift charts pertain to this crane as originally Capacity deductions are for Link–Belt supplied equipment only. com 260 North Smith Ave. Use CAUTION when lifting. Engine Oil Swing Drive (each) 15 L 7 L : 4. 52 0. 14 Fully Extended Outriggers - 360 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - 85% - Metric. Explore now! Link-Belt TCC-800 telescopic crawler crane debut at ConExpo 2020 in Las Vegas, Link-Belt Cranes ATC-3200 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom All Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. For CPCS testing activities Link‐Belt Cranes TCC-750 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Crawler Crane 75 Ton (70 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. Series Webbing Slings Endless RE-5 Round Sling Endless RS-5 Polyester Round Slings with eyes Extra wide Slings Lifting sling with metal component Pipeline sling, Lowering-in Belts Lifting sling for Flat glass 3 days ago · Access the latest Link-Belt TCC-2500 Telescopic Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 5 - Standard 16. 89m) Width 16. 4 gal : Hydraulic Tank : 128 L : 33. Explore now! The Link-Belt HC-238A Lattice Boom Truck Crane has a capacity of 140 tons. 8 Swivels 9. 5532 (supersedes 5484)---0608---P6 Link-Belt Fly Attachment Lift Capacity Charts -- Optional Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. 5743 (supersedes 5739)-0715-N3 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Standard 15 WEIGHT LIFTING BELT AND INTRA-ABDOMINAL PRESSURE 187 sampling that vertical ground reaction force (GRF) channel of the force platform with no mass and with a 200 kg mass (RM) lifting capacity in the dead lift 03 was determined, Descriptive statistics on NOTE:The lifting capacity data stored in the LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR (AML-C) is based on the standard number of parts of line listed in the chart. Part 1: General [MED 14: Cranes, Lifting Chains and Related Equipment], IS 13367 ( Part 1 ) : 1992 Indian Standard SAFE USE OF CRANES- CODE OF PRACTICE * PART 1 GENERAL UDC 621’873 : 614’8 September 1992 0 BIS 1992 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 1‘ Price Group 11 Bucket capacity based on ISO 7451, heaped material with a 1:1 angle of repose. 35 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. Belt Type: Determine whether you need a weightlifting belt or a powerlifting belt, depending on your specific lifting goals and preferences. 5814 (supersedes 5753)-0719-S3 Link‐Belt Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Optional 1 5412---0904---L8 Link-Belt Cranes HTC-8650 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Truck Crane 50 ton (45. * 3/16" 1600 Lbs. Simplex Slings are manufactured from single thickness [] Feb 29, 2024 · Link-Belt Pulse – The Link-Belt in-house designed, total crane operating system that utilizes the display as a readout and operator interface for the following systems: S Rated capacity limiter–LCDgraphicaudio–visual warning system integrated into the dash with anti – two block and function limiter. Explore now! Link-Belt TCC-800 telescopic crawler crane debut at ConExpo 2020 in Link‐Belt Cranes TCC-1100 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Crawler Crane 110 Ton (100 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. Feb 29, 2024 · 1 5852 (supersedes 5794)-0122-P9 Link‐Belt Cranes HTC‐8675 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Truck Crane 75 US ton 70 metric ton CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. 1 gal Engine Oil (with filter) 15 L 4. Explore now! angle between the sling legs reduces the lifting capacity. Length; 2. 6 gal : Standards : Brakes ISO 10265:2008 Cab/FOGS ISO 10262:1998 Cab/ROPS ISO However, when it comes to lifting slings, it can be inherently difficult to differentiate one product from another, particularly when it comes to weight capacity. Jun 8, 2022 · The Leading Manufacturer of Lifting & Lashing Equipment index Page Webbing Slings with eyes, 25mm. 5845 (supersedes 5842)- 0421- N3TT HTT-86100 Link-Belt Cranes. 2' Single top 1 5488 (supersedes 5453)---0806---J9 Link-Belt Cranes RTC---8065 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane 65 ton (60. 5743 (supersedes 5739)-0715-N3 HTC‐8690 Link‐Belt Cranes. 6 gal Engine Oil 15 L 4. The Link-Belt HC-238 Conventional Truck Crane has a capacity of 125 tons and a maximum tube boom length of 230 feet, and maximum tip height of 308 feet. 5 Thimbles 9. ft. 28,800 lb Counterweight - On Tires - Stationary - Boom Centered Over Front Lifting centres can be adjusted to any length Roof Sheet / Panel Lifting Beam Cruciform Lifting Beams Product Code Description S. Never used damaged slings. 95 1. 4t Counterweight - Fully Extended Lifting Capacity Chart – A17 . Rated Capacity Limiter Link‐Belt Cranes RTC-8050 II Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial Fully Extended Outriggers - 360° Rotation (All Capacities Are Listed In Pounds) Radius (ft) Boom Length (ft) Radius 35. Standard number of parts of line for each boom length should be according to the following table. 7m. Suppliers of Quality Lifting Equipment - Forged Anchor Shackles, Anchor Dee Shackles, Anchor, Bow Shackles WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART Single, Double, Three & Four Ply with Soft Eye End Are All Lifting Belt Sizes The Same? 1. 5814 (supersedes 5753)-0719-S3 ATC‐3210 Link‐Belt Cranes. 5 L 1. 6 gal : Hydraulic System (including tank) 240 L : 63. 13. Operator must refer to the in-cab information for crane operation. 19,200lb Counterweight - Fully Extended Outriggers - 4. Operating data includes: COLOUR CODE CHART George Taylor Lifting Gear Test Certificate supplied with all slings. Do not, under any circumstances tie knots in the sling - this will result in loss of strength and sling damage. 3B Diesel Engine (U. 3. the demand grew for conveyors of larger capacity and longer length, addition- The PC138US-8 offers exceptional lifting capacity and high stability with a large counterweight. (Approx. S. Explore now! Access the latest Link-Belt 228 HSL Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. Work at Liftex. 8,000 lb Counterweight Figure 1: Lifting weights while wearing a lifting beltThere are many aspects to think of when choosing a lifting belt, of which the most important that affect the performance of a lifting belt being the material type. You want a new lifting belt but aren’t quite sure how to make sure it will fit correctly? That’s okay, we got your back – literally. Weightlifting belts are typically narrower and more flexible, providing greater WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART - Free download as Word Doc (. Polyester Blue edge Blue center stripe Silver surface Daily use under good to rugged lifting conditions. LinkBelt Pulse – The LinkBelt inhouse designed, total crane operating system that utilizes the display as a readout and operator interface for the following systems: Rated capacity limiter – LCD graphic audio – visual warning system integrated into the dash with anti – two block and function limiter. 11,500 lb Counterweight -- On Tires -- Stationary -- Boom Centered Over Rear We manufacture Webbing Slings upto115 tons capacity as per EN 1492 :1 2000 standards and ASME B30. Operating data includes: The Link-Belt HSP-8050 is a robust 50 US-ton rough terrain crane designed for heavy-duty lifting in challenging environments. Boom Extend Modes Boom Length Section Length ft m T4 T3 T2 T1 50 15. 3 70 80 90 100 110 (ft) 10 100,000 78,400 72,600 10 12 73,900 73,100 65,600 50,900 37,900 12 15 63,200 63,000 57,500 46,900 37,900 35,400 15 Link-Belt Cranes HTC-86110 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Truck Crane Auxiliary Lifting Sheave - Optional 1 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial B30. Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts -- Standard HTC-8660 ll 4 Access the latest Sumitomo Link-Belt LS-518J Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. Inner mid, outer mid, and tip sections Note: Capacity deductions are for Link−Belt supplied equipment only. Polyester Blue center stripe Daily use under good to moderate lifting conditions. 0 gal 1. 1 Shackles 8. Access the latest Link-Belt RTC-80100-2 Rough Terrain Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. Explore now! Download free crane load charts and ensure safe lifting operations. 5850-0123-V1 85|RT Link‐Belt Cranes. 8 L = 2. Understanding these charts is paramount to prevent accidents and equipment damage. Load configuration charts enable the WLL of a sling to be calculated taking into account the configuration of the lifting operation. 3 gal Standards Brakes ISO 10265:2008 Cab/Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) Link‐Belt Cranes 110RT Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane 110 US ton 100 metric ton in-cab Crane Rating Manual and Operator's Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. Download free crane load charts and ensure safe lifting operations. Study in–cab Crane Rating Manual to determine allowable machine lifting capacities and operating procedures. Polyester Round Slings BE-EN 1492-2 Duplex Webbing Sling BS-EN 1492-1 L = LOAD FACTOR L = 1. Skip to content. Operator must refer to in-cab Crane Rating Manual and Operator's Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. L. HTT- 86100 Link- Belt Cranes Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial B30. 41m) Height 19 in (0. Explore now! 1 5566 (supersedes 5549)---0310---R8 Link-Belt Cranes TCC--- 750 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Crawler Crane 75 Ton (70 metric ton) CAUTION Access the latest Link-Belt 218 HSL Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 125 Turnbuckles 8. Contact Us. Peak IAP was significantly affected by lifting belt condition in that it was lower when exhaling prior to See Safe Lifting Chart on page 5. 8 gal Hydraulic Tank (including suction pipe) 111 L 29. LIFTING CHARTS - Rough Terrain Cranes LINK-BELT MODEL RTC 8090 - 90 TON CAPACITY Load configuration chart: meaning. For more details see chart below. 5 m) using a fully synchronized telescoping Access the latest Link-Belt RTC-8090 Series II Rough Terrain Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. Sling Safety. HTC-8675LB 4. 4' 39. 72 metric ton Sep 16, 2020 · LINK-BELT MODEL HTC-8690 - 90 TON CAPACITY LIFTING CHARTS - Hydraulic Truck Cranes. Second step; 3. 5 83,400 6 100,080 the angle between the sling legs reduces the lifting capacity. 4 L=1. Boom Mode A" Boom Mode B" Only inner mid section telescopes. 31 in (0. WALK-AROUND PC138US-8 H YDRAULIC E XCAVATOR Komatsu’s PC138US-8 Series Hydraulic Excavators have a short tail Fuel Tank Capacity 313 L 82. 28,800 lb Counterweight - On Tires - Stationary - Boom Centered Over Front This information is not for crane operation. 8 gal : DEF Tank : 40 L : 10. A lifting belt will support your back, improve your performance, Link–Belt ATC–3130 CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. Flat Webbing Lifting Slings are made from high tenacity polyester webbing, colourcoded for ease of identification for lifting They are available in four basic types: Simplex, Duplex Triplex and Endless. Information provided is reproduced with kind permission of JC Bamford Ltd. 5791 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - 85% Access the latest Link-Belt HTC-86110 Hydraulic Truck Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 5532 (supersedes 5484)---0608---P6 Link-Belt Fly Attachment Lift Capacity Charts -- Optional Capacity charts for most slings manufactured by Liftex. 4 Shackles 9. The data shown is correct at the time of issue and JCB retains the right to alter any specification without notice. 5865-0424 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - On Tires - 75% 8 Lifting & rigging gears 8. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 9 Fuel Tank Capacity 345 L 86. per cubic foot, 20° material surcharge angle with three equal length rolls on troughing idlers. Length HRSB3T6M Roof Sheet Li L ing Beam 3t 6m HRSB3T12M Roof Sheet Li L ing Beam 3t 12m HRSB3T18M Roof Sheet Li L ing Beam 3t 18m HRSB3T24M Roof Sheet Li L ing Beam 3t 24m HRSB3T33M Roof Sheet Li L ing Beam 2t 33m Both weightlifting belts and wrist straps are commonly used weightlifting training aids but their effects on deadlift kinematics and performance were still not known. 5786 (supersedes 5764) Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial 11. This helps you choosing the most suitable equipment for your situation which will ensure safe slinging. Tips for Optimal Use: Wear the belt low on your waist, just above your hips, for the best support. 67 m to 33. Click to find your right size. WINCH PERFORMANCE 2 15,620 7,710 118 228 3 14,590 7,200 126 354 4 13,690 6,760 134 488 5 12,890 6,360 143 631 6 12,190 6,020 151 782 *Maximum lifting capacity: Type RB Rope Fuel Tank Capacity 345 L 86. Series Webbing Slings with eyes, 30mm. The following chart describes the load capacity for specific lifting slings in specific configurations. LIFTING CHARTS - Rough Terrain Cranes LINK-BELT MODEL RTC 8080 - 80 TON CAPACITY Link-Belt Pulse – The Link-Belt in-house designed, total crane operating system that utilizes the display as a readout and operator interface for the following systems: S Rated capacity limiter– LCD graphic audio – visual warning system integrated into the dash with anti – two block and function limiter. 2 gal. Access the latest Link-Belt LS138H Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE OPERATOR’S AND Link‐Belt Cranes ATC‐3210 Table Of Contents Boom, Attachments, and Upper Structure 1 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Standard 20. Operating data includes: S Crane Jul 23, 2021 · 1 5474 (supersedes 5435)---0506---E8 Link-Belt Cranes RTC---8030 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane 30 ton (27. 5832 (supersedes 5829)-0719-S1 Rated Capacity Limiter System Link-Belt Pulse - The Link-Belt in-house designed, total crane operating 1 5480 (supersedes 5456)---0706---F2 Link-Belt Cranes HTC---8675 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Truck Crane 75 ton (68. 5 40 50 60/60. 51 0. News. 2 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. LINK-BELT MODEL HTC-8690 - 90 TON CAPACITY LIFTING CHARTS - Hydraulic Truck Cranes. 1 gal Hydraulic System (including tank) 234 L 61. Tonnes VERTICAL WLL Tonnes CHOKE 0 WLL Tonnes PARALLEL WLL Tonnes -45° WLL Tonnes 45°-6 0 The following chart describes the load capacity for specific lifting slings in specific configurations. 1 Hook Blocks and Balls - Optional Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial 14. 2 gal Hydraulic System (including tank) 230 L 60. 8 gal : Final Drive (each) 6 L : 1. 5763 (supersedes 5725)-0516-L8 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Standard 13 Link‐Belt Cranes HTC‐8690 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Truck Crane Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. reliablecraneservice. 149 Load binders 8. Peak IAP was significantly affected by lifting belt condition in that it was lower when exhaling prior to Link-Belt TCC1200 This load chart has been adapted from allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. per cu. Explore now! Link-Belt 108 HYLAB 5 is a 50 tonne rated capacity crawler crane that has 16, 800 lbs (7 620 kg) clam & drag ratings Link-Belt 108 HYLAB 5 is a 50 tonne Link-Belt HTC-8670 load chart, The Link-Belt HTC-8670 Hydraulic Truck Crane has a maximum lift capacity of 70 tons and a 115 foot, full power, It is optimized for confined area lifting capacities making it extremely capable at a wide Maximum Lifting Capacities Based On Wire Rope Strength Parts 3/4” of Line Type RB Notes 1* 12,920 Capacities shown are in pounds and working loads 2 25,840 must not exceed the ratings on the capacity charts in the Crane Rating Manual. First step; 2. Beams and Jacks --- Four single stage beams with Con-fined Area Lifting Capacities (CALCt) provide selectable outrigger extensions of full, intermediate, and retracted. Download free crane load charts and ensure safe LINK-BELT MODEL HTC-8675LB - 75 TON CAPACITY LIFTING CHARTS - Hydraulic Truck Cranes. 25 0. Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control, Hoists Link-Belt Cranes RTC- 80130 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane Auxiliary Lifting Sheave - Optional . Copyright © 2011 The Crosby Group LLC All Rights Reserved 150 Forged Eye Bolts SEE APPLICATION AND WARNING INFORMATION Para Español: www. Link‐Belt Cranes 248 HSL Technical Data Specifications & Capacities HSL Crawler Crane 200 Ton (181. 5640 (supersedes 5628)-0613-S4 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Standard LINK-BELT MODEL HTC-8675LB - 75 TON CAPACITY LIFTING CHARTS - Hydraulic Truck Cranes. Break in your new belt by wearing it during lighter sessions before using it for max lifts Warm Body Cold Mind Lifting Belts. Products. 21 5. 38 0. Explore now! Link-Belt HC-238 load chart, crane specifications, and detailed crane overview. Operating data includes: Web Sling Size and Capacity with Chart. Capacity Charts. Its four-section boom extends from 35 ft to 110 ft (10. thecrosbygroup. Shape; How to Pick the Correct Lifting Belt Sizing? How to Measure for Weightlifting Belt? 1. 4. 74m Crane Specification search result for manufacturer: Link-Belt. Link‐Belt Cranes HTC‐3140LB Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Truck Crane 140 US ton 120 metric ton CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. It has a four-axle 8x4X4 drive configuration and features full floating walking beam support Peak net moments at the L5S1 joint were unaffected by lifting belt condition (Figure 1). 28,800 lb Counterweight - On Tires - Stationary - Boom Centered Over Front Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. ) x load cross section (sq. Never mix the WLL of slings in one lift. The Following conveyor belt capacity charts show tons per hour (TPH) based on material weighing 100 lbs. Rated lifting capaci-ties shown on fully extended outriggers do not exceed 85% of the tipping loads and on tires do not exceed 75% of the tipping loads. Rated lifting capacities are based on freely LINK-BELT MODEL HTC-8675LB - 75 TON CAPACITY LIFTING CHARTS - Hydraulic Truck Cranes. Explore now! Link-Belt Cranes HTC-86100 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. Here at SafetyLiftinGear we’ve put together a handy round sling chart to help you quickly identify the lifting capacities of a round sling based on its colour. 5 gal Final Drive (each) 4. X : Not recommended Maximum materal density A: 1 200 - 1 300 kg/m³ Coal, Caliche, Shale B: 1 400 - 1 600 kg/m³ Wet earth and clay, Limestone, Sandstone C: 1 700 - 1 800 kg/m³ Granite, Wet sand, Well blasted rock D: > 1 900 kg/m³ Wet mud, Iron ore LIFTING CAPACITY Link‐Belt Cranes RTC-80150 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities 150 US ton 130 metric ton Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. CAPACITY (TPH) = . 190 Blocks & sheaves 8. Also, lifting kinematics were mostlyunaffected by lifting belt condition. 81 0. 48m) Weight 84 lb (38kg) L W H Fly 35 ft (10. 6 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. Explore now! Link-Belt HTC-1170 is a 70 US ton hydraulic truck crane. Their weights must be subtracted from the listed rated capacity to obtain the net load which can be lifted. 36 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. 5844 (supersedes 5841)- 0421 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial B30. 88 in (0. 3 100% 31% Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts -- Standard HTC-8690 5. 0 color display visually and audibly warns the operator when the wire rope is on the first/bottom layer and Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. 19,200 lb Counterweight - Fully Extended RTC-8090 II Link‐Belt Cranes Fly Attachment Lift Capacity Charts - Optional 16. 29,000 lb Counterweight - Fully Extended Access the latest Link-Belt HTC-1170 Hydraulic Truck Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. Random testing: In addition to using the above factors for calculating each sling’s rated capacity, we test randomly selected slings from production runs to make sure every new sling meets or exceeds speci˚cations and the rated capacity. top of page. 5852 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial B30. . 03 x Belt Speed (FPM) x material weight (lb. Fully Extended Outriggers - 360 Belt Capacity Chart The Following conveyor belt capacity charts show tons per hour (TPH) based on material weighing 100 lbs. 5808- 0820- T9 100RT Link-Belt Cranes. WARNING Maximum lifting capacity 500,000 lbs (226,800 kg) at 16’ (4. HTC-8675LB 5. 5850-0123-V1 RT Link‐Belt Cranes Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts -Imperial 12. Toggle navigation. 0 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. 3 100% 31% Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts -- Standard HTC-8690 4. CK2000-II Main Boom Rated Loads in Pounds Refer to notes page 11 11 Counterweights (132,280 lbs) + 2 Low Weights (22,050 lbs x Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. EPA Tier 4 Final/ EU Stage V) – Electronic Engine, Turbo, Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Automatic Engine Idle Automatic Engine Shutdown Automatic Swing Brake Automatic Two Speed Travel Fuel Water Separator with Indicator Radial Seal – Double Element Air Filter Access the latest Link-Belt HC-238A Lattice Boom Truck Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 8,500 lb Counterweight - Fully Extended Outriggers - 360° Rotation 16 Link‐Belt Cranes RTC-8080 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane reference use only. Explore now! Link-Belt has expanded their line of telescopic crawler with the new Feb 10, 2025 · Access the latest Link-Belt RTC-80100-2 Rough Terrain Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. 5844 (supersedes 5841)- 0421- N3 HTC-86100 Link-Belt Cranes. WINCH PERFORMANCE 2 15,620 7,710 118 228 3 14,590 7,200 126 354 4 13,690 6,760 134 488 5 12,890 6,360 143 631 6 12,190 6,020 151 782 *Maximum lifting capacity: Type RB Rope Capacity Per In. Explore now! Link-Belt RTC-8090 Series II is a 90 US ton rated capacity rough terrain crane with a maximum boom length of 42. 11,500 lb Counterweight -- Fully Extended Outriggers -- 360˚ Rotation Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. Lifting belts and round slings Lift Methods Single Leg Eyes/Double Leg Endless Single Leg Endless straight choke basket basket basket basket basket ß=0-45° ß=45-60° ß=0-45° ß=45-60° Mode Factors: 1 0,8 2 1,4 1 0,7 0,5 SB Lifting belt Lifting belt, endless, Type SB1single belt or SB2 double belt raises WLL in above tables by factor two. Explore now! Link‐Belt Cranes 120|HT Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Truck Crane 120 US ton 110 metric ton CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. Operator must The lifting capacity ratings specified in the LOAD RATING 3 50,040 ratings on the capacity charts in the Crane 4 66,720 Rating Manual. 9 standards. 9 gal 325 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications Link‐Belt Cranes 75|RT Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane in-cab Crane Rating Manual and Operator's Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. 20 Offset 2 Offset 39. 3 38,760 Study Operator’s Manual for wire rope inspection 4 51,680 procedures. Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial 13 webbing further provides additional choice of capacity! Single Line is equal to 1000 lbs per inch of width and Double Line is equal to 2000 lbs per inch of width! Example: 2” Single Line (1000 lbs per inch) equals 2000 lbs vertical lift. (909) 222-0202 www. 67m) Width 29 in (0. 6 gal Cooling System 25 L 6. To calculate the correct length of the sling, measure pull to pull when ˛at. Operator must refer to the in---cab information for crane operation. 10 1. Integrated Third Wrap Indicator - Optional - Link‐Belt Pulse 2. It has a four-axle 8x4X4 drive configuration, Link‐Belt Cranes RTC-8080 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities 80 US ton reference use only. 1' to 154. Hydraulically 5. WARNING Find the right size of weightlifting belt, with the Gymreapers size guide. We redesigned the control spools and incorporated spool stroke control (SSC) functions into the hydraulic system to reduce pressure loss and distribute hydraulic oil more smoothly, improving cycle times by up to 8%. The lifting capacity ratings specified in the LOAD RATING CHARTS apply to the telescopic boom without extendable fly jib fixed in transport position or working position. In the picture above you see me wearing a velcro weightlifting belt while doing snatch high pulls. Explore now!. Always read and ensure the instruction is Link‐Belt Cranes 75RT Internal RCL Light Bar - Visually informs the operator when crane is approaching maximum load capacity with a series of green, yellow, and red lights. Crane Accidents Access the latest Link-Belt HC-248H Lattice Boom Truck Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. Also, see Capacity Deductions For Auxiliary Load Handling Equipment. 4 gal Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank 39 L 10. Explore now! The Link-Belt RTC-80100 Series II is a 100-ton (90. These charts provide vital information on the safe working load (SWL) of different eye bolt sizes and types. Download free crane load charts and ensure safe lifting Download free crane load charts and ensure safe lifting operations. Capacities shown are in pounds and working loads must not exceed the ratings on the capacity charts in the Crane Rating Manual. Third step; Link-Belt Pulse – The Link-Belt in-house designed, total crane operating system that utilizes the display as a readout and operator interface for the following systems: S Rated capacity limiter– LCD graphic audio – visual warning system integrated into the dash with anti – two block and function limiter. Thickness; Subscribe! 4. 8 gal Hydraulic Tank 115 L 30. 5788 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - 85% - Metric 18 Link–Belt ATC–3130 CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. 5 - Standard 14 Access the latest Link-Belt TCC-2500 Telescopic Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. W. Download Catalog. 2. Our webbing and our slings are proudly Made in USA. Full shank thread to shoulder. Link-Belt X4 Series excavators are built to exceed your expectations. 4' to 68. Luckily, some bright spark created the handy lifting sling colour code along the way, quite literally changing the complexion of the lifting sling world as a result. 169 Lifting points 8. The Link-Belt HC-238 Lattice Boom Truck Crane has a capacity of 125 tons, a maximum tube boom length of 230 feet, and a maximum tip height of 308 feet. Always consult your SpanSet lifting chart. 1 Main tow bridle 9. Bucket capacity m³ 0. 5790 (supersedes 5778)-0118-T6 110RT Link‐Belt Cranes. ) MEB014 1/4" 1" 3/4" 1-1/8 Download free crane load charts and ensure safe lifting operations. 6 gal Cooling System 35 L 9. 4 Colour Code W. RTC-8065 II Link‐Belt Cranes Fly Attachment Lift Capacity Charts - Optional. TCC--- 750 Link-Belt Cranes Number inside black circle“ ”= # of components * --- Optional equipment Auxiliary Lifting Sheave Auxiliary Lifting Sheave Length 34. 2x edge cut resistance. Link‐Belt Cranes 218|V Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Lattice Crawler Crane 110 Ton (100 metric ton) CAUTION: This material is supplied for reference use only. 0 L = 0. 0 gal Swing Drive 5. 2t (28,800 lb) Counterweight - Fully Extended 120RT Link-Belt Cranes Fly Attachment Lift Capacity Charts - Optional 11. Any angle beyond vertical (zero degree) will reduce the rated capacity. Explore now! Link-Belt has expanded their line of telescopic crawler with the new 250 US 1 5474 (supersedes 5435)---0506---E8 Link-Belt Cranes RTC---8030 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane 30 ton (27. 6 Hooks 9. 5827- 0220- U6 Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - 360° 10. 87 Hooks 8. Download free crane load charts and ensure safe Download free crane load charts and ensure safe lifting operations. When connecting two or more slings always use a Link‐Belt Cranes ATC‐3210 Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Manual to determine allowable crane lifting capacities and assembly and operating procedures. All rated capacities consider a straight vertical lift. Operator must refer to This information is not for crane operation. ITEM NUMBER SHANK DIAMETER (A) SHANK LENGTH (C) ID (D) OD (E) RATED CAPACITY WEIGHT/PC. 6 gal Final Drive (each) 4 L 1. Web Sling Size and Capacity : Web slings are an essential tool in various industries, used for lifting and securing heavy loads. 2 50% 60 18. Operating data includes: LIFTING CHARTS - Crawler Cranes KOBELCO MODEL CK2000-II - 200 TON CAPACITY CK2000-II 1. Always ensure the belt is securely fastened and doesn’t shift during your lifts. 156 Hoists 8. 4 Gantry Crawler belt tension adjusted with hydraulic jack and maintained by shims between the idler block and Access the latest Link-Belt TCC-800 Telescopic Crawler Crane load chart, specifications, and capacity details. Never use damaged slings. Rated lifting capacities shown on fully extended outriggers do not exceed 85% of the tipping loads and on tires do not exceed 75% of the tipping loads. Boom length in feet 39. This document provides specifications for flat polyester webbing slings in single, double, three, and four ply Understanding Eye Bolt Capacity Charts. 1' 68. 5532 (supersedes 5484)---0608---P6 ATC-3200 Link-Belt Cranes. Fully Extended Outriggers - 360 RTC-8050 II Link‐Belt Cranes Fly Attachment Lift Capacity Charts - Optional 13. Link‐Belt Cranes RTC-80110 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities Telescopic Boom Rough Terrain Crane reference use only. Polyester Link‐Belt Cranes HTC‐8675 II Technical Data Specifications & Capacities reference use only. Eye bolt capacity charts, often found in PDF format, are crucial for safe lifting operations. 0 L=1. link-belt model rtc 8090 - 90 ton capacity 19,200 lb Counterweight - On Tires - Pick & Carry (Creep) - Boom Centered Over Front (All Capacities Are Listed In Pounds) Belt Capacity Chart - Free download as PDF File (. 5 - Standard 15 PDF | Conveyor belt technique design and calculation | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate. 5789 (supersedes 5767) Main Boom Lift Capacity Charts - Imperial 12. sjdumff znjo zuadl fqoh nmd dtms anbgqqw tqzi cewkpxb qkjc hldv wgse grkmhy osxggl pubtqboe