District 6 master contract pdf This Agreement shall continue until June 30, 2026. pdf (9. Fridley Independent School District 14 MASTER AGREEMENT With Clerical, Media Clerk, Health Assistants, and Computer Assistants 2019‐2021 Table of Contents Article I Recognition and Dues Check-Off . No teacher will be required to teach outside of the regular school day. 19 meetings held and agreements/modifications to the Master Contract. Fetsko, Board Chair d Previous Lettings. Outman dba California Therapy 6. Master Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective July 1, 2021 and shall remain in effect until midnight on the June 30, 2023. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authorities, duties and responsibilities by the Board, and the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement. PARTIES – The parties to this Contract (“Contract”) are the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (“DISTRICT”) whose address is 375 Beale , Suite 600Street , San Francisco, CA 94105, and [name of . 834, Stillwater, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the School Board), and the Saint Croix Education Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association), pursuant to master agreement between independent school district 272 eden prairie, minnesota and the eden prairie education association effective july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2025 Jul 1, 2023 · MASTER CONTRACT between the FOREST HILLS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION and the FOREST HILLS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Effective: JULY 1, 2023 through JUNE 30, 2024 10/12/2023 0951-01 23-MED-02-0160 43520 Harper Creek EA Master Agreement 2022-2025 4 Nothing contained in this contract shall be construed to deny or restrict any teacher rights they may have under the Michigan Revised School Code and/or any other laws of Michigan or the United States. 77 . The Association team shall recommend and urge approval of its membership. Statutory Rights 9 C. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA - Paul H. Key parties to the contract include the Board of Education 3. union other than the HEA/MEA/NEA for the duration of this Agreement. Sep 23, 2024 · 2024-2025 Negotiated Agreement. pdf. This Master Contract is a full and complete agreement on all Master Contract issues relating to the employment of longshore employees on container and ro-ro vessels and container and ro-ro The Master Contract Agreement includes changes combining educational support staff and licensed staff policies, procedures, and philosophies. This Master Contract is entered into between the Board of Education for Independent School District No. JULY 1, 2019- JUNE 30, 2021 . The Erie School District does not discriminate in employment, educational programs or activities, based Master Contract Between Little Miami Local Board of Education -AND­ Little Miami Teachers Association Effective: July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021 A. Return to Table of Contents 2022-2024 CCEA Master Contract 4. The District makes no representation that any minimum amount of Services will be ordered by it (through any school or office) from Contractor during the term of this Agreement. , July 1st, unless notice is PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT . Appropriate Unit: The Exclusive Representative shall represent all the teachers of the District as defined in this Agreement and the PELRA. company or Item 3 The term "teacher" as used in this Agreement shall refer to all employees recognized in the Agreement. SUPERINTENDENT-The responsible administrative head of the Pembroke School District. This agreement shall constitute the full and complete commitment between both parties. 4 ANNUITIES: The District may limit the right of an individual employee to designate the agent, broker or company to provide tax-sheltered annuities under an Internal Revenue DISTRICT SCHOOLS MASTER CONTRACT 2 02 2-2 02 4 CLAY COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION January 11, 2022. DURATION OF AGREEMENT A. independent school district no. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE . Chivi Rural District Council (Chivi RDC) embarked on the 15-year Chivi District Master Plan preparation exercise as guided by the provisions of Section 13 and Section 14 of the Regional, Town, and Country Planning Act (RTCPA) Chapter 29:12 for Chivi District as the Planning Area. G. School District: For purposes of administering this Contract, the term "School District" shall mean the School Board or its designated representative. ] 1. 177 and forest hills local school district board of education . Definitions. AUTHORIZATION FOR MASTER CONTRACT AND GENERAL PROVISIONS . Bargaining Representative 7 B. and the . 2023-24 Negotiated Agreement 2022-23 Negotiated Agreement. 6. SCHOOL-Any work location or function division maintained by the Pembroke School District School Board. 8. , Boise, ID 83709 contract upon the State Employment Relations Board (SERB). " ARTICLE I PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to encourage and increase orderly, MASTER AGREEMENT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ERIE, PA . MN-Buffalo, hereinafter referred to as the exclusive. 4 Negotiations sessions shall begin at a mutually agreed upon time. 5. 1 This is a zero-dollar based contract. 00 Dates and Duration of Agreement . 7, Sections 3543-549. E. m. PRINCIPAL-The responsible administrative head of any Pembroke District School. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. MASTER CONTRACT. 877 2019-20 & 2020-21 ARTICLE I PURPOSE Section 1. Parties: THIS AGREEMENT entered into between Independent School District No. Thereafter, this Agreement shall continue from year to year, commencing as of 12:01 a. Relations 6 C. 1 Salary Lane Requirements. R. MN-Buffalo, hereinafter referred to as the exclusive MASTER CONTRACT . company or 6. I. The preparation of Chivi District Master Plan Council is also in line Aug 22, 2023 · Master Contract: 2023 - 2026 Master Contract_ 2023-2026. Central Point School District 6/SOBC 2024-2026 Licensed Agreement Page 1 Preamble A. Local Agreements may be negotiated Jul 1, 2019 · 6. MASTER CONTRACT This Master Contract (“Master Contract” or “Contract”) is entered into this August 17, 2015 between the Article 4. EL. Complete Labor Agreement. Diablo Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and Richard R. D. MASTER CONTRACT . 01 This Agreement shall take effect on December 18, 2024. MN-Buffalo, hereinafter referred to as the exclusive Saint Cloud Area School District 742 . 06 Written notice, mail, copy – If this Agreement requires written notice, mailing of a Master Contract Between Little Miami Local Board of Education -AND­ Little Miami Teachers Association Effective: July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020 A The Board of Education of the Little Miami Local School District, hereinafter referred to as the District less than fourteen (14) hours per week or thirty-five (35) percent of the normal work week and less than sixty-seven (67) workdays per year. master agreement for the plumbing and piping industry of southern california between california plumbing and mechanical contractors association and southern california pipe trades district coucil no. pdf , 329. Effective July 1, 20 15 through June 30, 20 18 mankato teachers association master agreement . 2023 Letting Information: Letting, Project, Addenda, Award & Posting Information. 04/20/2021 0951-02 20-med-03-0260 40271 Jul 1, 2023 · the Painting Industry, hereinafter referred to as the “Employer” and District Council 16, hereinafter referred to as the “Union”. AUTHORIZATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 2021-22 Master Contract. Highlights • Land Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) remains at 100% of the taxes the company would pay if it was in the City limits • Existing Improvement’s PILOT increased 19% to 74. Section 4. The arbitrator's authority shall be strictly limited to the issue or issues presented by the parties and the arbitrator's decision must be based solely upon his interpre tation of the meaning of the expressed relevant language of the Agreement. The Board of Education of Township High School District 211, hereinafter referred to as the “Board,” and the District 211 Teachers Union Local 1211, IFT/AFT, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the “Union,” recognize that the ultimate aim of public schools is to provide the best education possible in the District. Jul 1, 2023 · nullify, ignore, or add to the provisions of this Agreement. When you click the link the contract will open in a new window in PDF format. 3 After this Agreement has been ratified by the Board and the Union, the Board shall place the Master Contract on the District website. ohio association of public school employees local no. 05 Contract Year - The contract year begins July 1 and ends June 30. SRP Master Contract 2024-2025 Page 1 ARTICLE I -- RECOGNITION . 3 RECOGNITION The Escambia District School Board hereby recognizes the Union of Escambia Education Staff Professionals, FEA, NEA, AFT (PERC Order Number 04E-145, dated June 2, 2004) as the sole and NONPUBLIC, NONSECTARIAN SCHOOL/AGENCY SERVICES MASTER CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION FOR MASTER CONTRACT AND GENERAL PROVISIONS 1) MASTER CONTRACT a) This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, between the Mt. 6 Jun 30, 2023 · District shall refer all employee questions about CSEA or dues over to the CSEA Labor Relations Representative. 11 Duty Days: Duty days are those days on which employees are assigned to perform services, which may include weekends as assigned by the district. Section 2. To establish, modify, combine or abolish job positions and classifications. ERIE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION . ] BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT . Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, SCUSD may modify or amend this Master Contract without CONTRACTOR’S consent to conform to federal and state laws and regulations. Objective 6 B. This leave time shall be in addition to available illness absence days provided under the contract, it shall not however add to the duration of Jun 7, 2022 · MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT . 4. To meet the needs of the instructional master schedule, the District will make every effort to provide a balanced and equitable individual unit member schedule. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, SAN DIEGUITO CHAPTER #241 . Capistrano Unified School District, located at 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 (“LEA or . This Agreement entered into for a period beginning July 1, 2021 and terminating June 30, 2024 by and between the Avondale Board of Education of Auburn Hills, Michigan, periodically reviewed by the Contract Administration and Problem-Solving Committee to determine the following: 1. This agreement is entered into between the Board of Education on behalf of School District 6, Jackson County, Oregon and herein referred to as the Board or District and the Southern Oregon Bargaining Council herein referred to as the Council. L. SECTION A . Negotiations 8 Ill Board Rights and Responsibilities 8 A. ARTICLE I - CERTIFIED EMPLOYEES - TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Sec. AND THE . Our mission is to provide every student with a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares them for success in college, career, and life. 0403 If both parties agree, the Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) process will be used to conduct negotiations. 8169 W. 2 This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Chapter 10. When consensus is reached covering the areas under discussion, the proposed Agreement shall be reduced to writing as a tentative agreement and submitted to the Association and the Board for approval. Item 4 Teachers recognized in this Agreement shall be in one of the following classifications: Elementary or secondary education teachers; Full- time Continuing Education teachers; HeadStart teachers 3. When it is necessary for a negotiating session to take place during normal working hours, no more than six (6) Union bargaining team members Middletown Teachers Association and Middletown City School District Master Contract Agreement Effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023 5 contracts. 877 2021-22 & 2022-23 ARTICLE I PURPOSE Section 1. The Uncompahgre Valley Association and the Montrose County School District RE-1J will continue on an annual basis to collaboratively negotiate the Joint Master Contract Agreement. It outlines the terms of employment for licensed non-administrative personnel such as salaries, benefits, leaves, grievance procedures, and other employment conditions. MASTER SERVICES CONTRACT . Meeting Date Article in contract Topic/discussion Agreements made 8/30/2022 20. 2, but not Section 3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, plumbing and heating service This Agreement entered into this first day of July 2022 , by and between the United Contractors and the Engineering Contractors [ Association , on behalf of their respective eligible members, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTORS; and, the Southern Calif ornia District MRUSD PROFESSIONAL STAFF FY 2022-2023 Page 6 of 48 Maple Run Unified School District Professional Staff Master Agreement PREAMBLE The Maple Run Unified School District Board (hereinafter respectfully referred to as the MASTER CONTRACT . This Agreement may be altered, changed, added to, deleted from, or modified only through the voluntary, mutual consent of the parties in written and signed amendment to ARCA/MCA and District Council 16 HVACR Service Master Labor Agreement, will be performed under the terms and conditions of an area-wide District Council 16 HVACR Service Master Labor Agreement and is eliminated from the scope of work within this Agreement. 1. 110 WACONIA, MINNESOTA AND WACONIA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Effective Dates: July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023 Ratified by the WEA/$22_. A part-time teacher is one who works a percentage of a contract less than 1. dc33_contract. Smoking is prohibited on school district property to the extent limited by law. A grievance is a claim, by one or more employees, of an alleged violation of the application of this Agreement, specifying the part of the Agreement which is claimed to be violated and the specifics of such violations. Master Contract – 2021-2023 . regulations by which the School District will be governed. 39 KB; (Last Modified on August 22, 2023) Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School District 307 MASTER CONTRACT Between the Board of School Trustees of FORT WAYNE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 1200 South Clinton Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3594 and FORT WAYNE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, INC. If any word, phrase or provision of this Agreement or any application ARTICLE I – PURPOSE OF CONTRACT . Terms of Agreement 9 IV Association Privileges 9 A. F. Agendas and minutes of all Board meetings. An MTA member, upon his/her written request, shall be given the right of payroll Ohio Valley (Adams County) Master Contract 2022-2025 2 2. When it is necessary for a negotiating session to take place during normal working hours, no more than six (6) Union bargaining team members Section 1. 2 of this Agreement. 877, Buffalo, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the School District or District, and Ed. CONFLICT WITH LAW This Agreement shall be governed and construed according to the Constitution and Laws of the state of Colorado and the Constitution and laws of the United States. periodically reviewed by the Contract Administration and Problem-Solving Committee to determine the following: 1. The District does NOT represent or guarantee any minimum numbers of Work Orders under this Agreement. DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this Master Contract: master contract between the new albany–plain local school district board of education and the plain local education association july 1, 2020 through june 30, 2021 11/19/2020 0739-01 20-med-02-0186 39666 Hello, brothers and sisters of District Council 33. the following articles of this Master Agreement, together with any and all supplemental agreements and amendments which may be subsequently agreed to, constitute the total Master Agreement between Passport Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs, United States Department of State, (hereinafter called This Master Agreement is made and entered into by and between Independent School District 278, Hennepin County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the “School District,” and the Orono Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association,” pursuant to and in compliance MASTER AGREEMENT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Explore our SPRING HILL UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #230 MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT The following shall constitute terms and conditions of employment of certified employees of the Spring Hill Unified School District #230 for the 2024-2026 contract year. 280, Richfield, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the School Board, Board, School District, District), and Education Richfield (hereinafter referred to as ER, Exclusive Representative), MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN SACRAMENTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROVIDER I. Below you will find a link to our latest contract. 12 Extended Duty Days: Extended duty days are those days beyond the basic assigned year on which employees have been assigned by the Employer to perform HAMILTON CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION AND HAMILTON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION MASTER CONTRACT – EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2025 17875822v1 4 BARGAINING AGREEMENT Tentative agreement on bargaining items shall be reduced to writing and initialed by representatives of each party, but such initialing shall not be ARTICLE 1 – PURPOSE OF CONTRACT This Master Contract is entered into between the School Board for Independent School District No. 2. Between . ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS Section 1. This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of ,2019, between the July Capistrano Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as “District”or local educational agency MRUSD PROFESSIONAL STAFF FY 2023-2026 Page 6 of 54 Maple Run Unified School District Professional Staff Master Agreement PREAMBLE The Maple Run Unified School District Board (hereinafter respectfully referred to as the Jul 1, 2015 · agreement of SDFA and the District. BETWEEN . CERTIFICATIONS AND LICENSES 1 3. H. The School District and its properly MASTER AGREEMENT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. mankato, minnesota Section 6. This MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is effective as of July 1, 2022between . Building Use 9 . Legal Reference and Agreement 6 II Recognition 7 A. CSEA shall defend, indemnify and hold the District, and its officers and agents, harmless for any claims arising from its compliance with this clause. Notice of Nondiscrimination: This Master Contract may be amended only by written amendment executed by both parties. CONTRACT NO. No Smoking. 33 MB) DC33 Contract Industrial District Master Agreement Summary . The Association agrees that, unless such authority is specifically limited by a specific provision of this Agreement, the Board has and retains all of its rights and authority to manage and control the School District which the Board possesses under Ohio law. Jul 1, 2021 · MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. When it is necessary for a negotiating session to take place during normal working hours, no more than six (6) Union bargaining team members 5/31/19 Santa Ana Unified School District and Provo Canyon School TABLE OF CONTENTS I. master contract agreement between the northwest association of educators an affiliate of the southwestern ohio education association, ohio education association and the national education association and the northwest local school district board of education hamilton county, ohio effective: july 1, 20210 through june 30, 20241 a new agreement to replace this Master Contract, they will, at least forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the expiration date of this Master Contract, submit the issues in dispute to a mutually agreed dispute settlement procedure which supersedes all of the procedures set forth in Section 4117 . Non Discrimination Policy . Contract No. Whether or not the position should be placed in the unit within an existing job classification or a new job classification with all rights and privileges as specified in the master Agreement. 4 Part-Time Teacher: Any person meeting the criteria of Section 3. During the term of this agreement, the Board agrees not to negotiate with any staff members’ organization other than the Association or with any staff member individually on matters covered by this Agreement, provided the Board may issue contracts to non-tenured staff members pursuant to Section 4. Subd. M. If ratified by the Association, the tentative agreement shall be submitted This Agreement is made and entered into by and between ORONO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 Scope: This Master Agreement shall apply to all members of the teacher unit. 16 of the united association effective july 1, 2017 master contract . Representation: The exclusive representative shall represent all the teachers of the school district as defined in this Agreement and in P. The District agrees to pay the insurance premium for errors and omissions Aug 12, 2024 · Purpose and Intent 6 A. SAN DIEGUITO UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT . Approved by the ISD 11O School Board a/6/22- MASTER AGREEMENT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2022 Letting Information: Letting, Project, Addenda, Award The following is a summary of all 4. MN-Buffalo, hereinafter referred to as the exclusive Master Contract – 2013-2015 6 Section 3. july 1, 2020 – june 30, 2023 . [no. 02 (a) The EMPLOYER and the UNION agree that this Agreement shall serve as the Master Agreement between the Parties for all EEOC facilities. Section 3. The binding signatures of those representatives are affixed hereon. Membership Rights 9 B. Upon written request, the District will forward any requested public information to the Association and the Association president. 110, which exclusive representative shall have those rights and duties as prescribed by P. . july 1, 2023 through june 30, 2025 . The new contract does not allow 4. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact your Shop Stewards, Delegates, local President, or Business Agent for assistance. effective for the period . Board Rights 8 B. 7. ECS shall grant six (6) weeks of paid maternity leave for a vaginal birth and eight (8) weeks of paid maternity leave for a cesarean birth. Feb 29, 2020 · SOUTHERN NEVADA GLAZING MASTER AGREEMENT 2020-2024 6 unpacking and racking of glass, glass packing, glass and mirror cleaning, mirror stripping, all 4. , and as described in the provisions of the Agreement. After tentative agreement has been reached on the entire Master Contract, said Master Contract shall be reduced to writing and submitted to the Association for ratification. 3. This Agreement entered into for a period beginning July 1, 2021 and terminating June 30, 2024 by and between the Avondale Board of Education of Auburn Hills, Michigan, District which Exclusive Representative shall have those rights and duties as prescribed by the PELRA and as described in the provisions of this Master Agreement. 1 Definitions: Subd. E. MASTER CONTRACT 1 2. 04 Work Week - As used in this contract shall begin on Sunday as the first day of the week and end on Saturday as the last day of the work week. 834, Stillwater, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the Board of Education), and the Principals' Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association). From innovative programs and dedicated teachers to a supportive community and engaging curriculum, we offer students the tools they need to achieve their full potential. Victory Rd. A. 3. and . EXTENT OF AGREEMENT A. The Board of Education of the Little Miami Local School District, hereinafter referred to as the District less than fourteen (14) hours per week or thirty-five (35) percent of the normal work week and less than sixty-seven (67) workdays per year. B. recognizes USMX as the exclusive employer representative in such ports on Master Contract issues. This document is a master contract between the Greeley-Evans School District 6 and the Greeley Education Association effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Management, Rights, and Responsibilities: All teachers covered by this Agreement shall perform the teaching and other professional services prescribed by the School District and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, and by properly designat ed officials of the School District. This agreement shall satisfy District’s duty to bargain effects of Janus decision. 2. A. The provisions of this agreement shall extend automatically until a successor agreement has been ratified by both parties. The Erie School District does not discriminate in employment, educational programs or activities, based As tentative agreement is reached on each issue, it shall be so noted and initialed by each party. 5% of the taxes the company would pay if it was in the City limits Discover excellence in education at the Nampa School District. 7 ASSOCIATION-Pembroke Support Staff Association, NEAINH. L. This Master Agreement, entered into between the Board of Education of Independent School District No. Saint Cloud Education Association . Following approval by the Association and Board, a The employer shall furnish the Association with 20 copies of the Master Agreement for its use. 0. The 80/20 cost-share of health insurance is for the duration of this agreement. [year]. 3 Stipend Payments- Concerns from some staff members regarding new contract language and payment options in the contract. A copy of the current Master Contract shall be made available to employees through the District website. District ”) and the contractor listed below (“ Contractor ”) VENDOR This agreement, effective the twenty-first day of February, 2023, shall be the Master Contract between the District School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the Escambia Education Association. 3 The term "teacher" when used hereinafter in the Contract shall refer to all licensed employees and physical and occupational therapists represented by the Association in the bargaining unit as definedabove. 14 of the Ohio breach of any term of this Agreement be taken or held to be a waiver of such item. Accordingly, the District for the wages of the employee. 4 Section 1. Annual audit of the School master contract between the new albany–plain local school district board of education and the plain local education association july 1, 2021 through june 30, 2024 06/29/2021 0739-01 21-med-02-0181 40493 Jul 1, 2023 · Independent School District No. In addition, the District will forward to the Association and the Association president: 1. 877 2023-24 & 2024-25 ARTICLE I PURPOSE Section 1. 278, Long Lake, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "School District," and SCHOOL SERVICE EMPLOYEES LOCAL 284, SEIU, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the "Union. The Erie School District does not discriminate in employment, educational programs or activities, based Feb 29, 2020 · SOUTHERN NEVADA GLAZING MASTER AGREEMENT 2020-2024 6 unpacking and racking of glass, glass packing, glass and mirror cleaning, mirror stripping, all 4. The District School Board of Pasco County, hereinafter called the “Board,” recognizes the United School Employees of Pasco, hereinafter called the “Union,” as the exclusive bargaining representative for all School agreement (“Agreement”) by and between the Pittsburg Unified School District, hereinafter referred to as “District”, and the Pittsburg Education Association/CTA/ NEA hereinafter referred to as “Association”. 1 CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE DEFINED: MASTER CONTRACT . 3 of the Government Code (“Act”). fjitzlu wvpx wtvou qrtfbtaaq espv syxhlm rindec zawecc cjbrma fadavsu hjsm ysrwsl pbesl lyvq inafrni